When I actually GET one of my dream cels, I put
a line through the text, that does NOT mean I am not looking
for MORE of them though! ;)
Let's start with my Crispin Freeman collection:
I want a cel of every character that Mr. Freeman has done a voice for.
NOTE: These are put in alphabetical order from the series.Zelgadisand Prince Hallas from Slayers
Touga and Dios from UtenaCaptain Tylerfrom Irresponsible Captain TylerSparkandGrassrunner Maarfrom Lodoss Wars (TV)
Dante from GeobreedersKagetsufrom Shamanic Princess
Ones I must own at any cost or I will have to commit vile crimes upon humanity are in WHITE!
If I have posted a cel that you have in your gallery... please forgive
me, some of these are so old I have forgotten where I got them from.
If you do own any of the cels I have posted here... um... wanna sell em?
Bakuretsu Hunters (Sorcerer Hunters):
Gateau flirting with Marron
Chocolat and Tira (especially in their transformed outfits)
Marron kicking some sorcerer ass!
Carrot getting beat up by Chocolat and Tira
- RucheDirty Pair Flash:
- Dark Schneider spell casting
Kei and Yuri fighting- Flair kicking ass!
Flair in her cloak
Flashback of Iris and Molly
Fam & Irhie (Ruin Explorers):Dillandu
Fire Emblem:- Irhie!
- Lyle!! Hunk-o-RAMA!
- Queen Rihiana
Navahl (my fav of the show...UGH, I like those stoic ones!)
Demona in exo-suitGatchaman (Battle of the Planets):
Demona with any of her weapons of choice
Future Tense Demona or Brooklyn
Goliath in human form
Demona in human form
Macbeth sword fighting with Goliath.
Elisa and Goliath (preferably the kiss)
Ophelia (yeah... I am dreaming)
Princess (preferably oogling the oblivious Mark... GET A CLUE MARK!! SHE WANTS YOU!) *ahem*
Zoltar (without the mask)
Heroic Legend of Arislan:- Duo Maxwell
- Zechs (no mask)
Lodoss Wars:- Arislan
- Daryoon
- Gieve
- Narciss
- Pharangese
Hermes (without helmet)
AshramMagical Knights of Rayearth OAV:
Ashram with Pirotess
Orson and Shiris
OrsonSpark(TV)Grassrunner Maar(TV)
Clef and Umi (together)
Ferrio and Fuu (together)
Hikaru and Lantis (together)
Angel Marie (Boku no Marie):
MarieSailor Moon:
Hibiki ("I need your thingy!" or kicking ass)
Alan (Human or alien form)Fiore
Prince Darion (Endymion)
Dark Lady
Queen Beryl
Jupiter carrying Moon on her back
Zelgadis in dragThank you, Melissa!!- Zel gets caught flirting with the princess... Lina teases him.
- Zelgadis as a human
- Zelgadis being used as an anchor
- Zel... what a big... SWORD you have!- Amelia runs to help the injured Zelgadis.
Zel and Amelia(yes... they belong together! Flame me later you Amelia haters!!)- Zel and Lina walking arm in arm at the temple of Marriage.
- Zel casting Ra Tilt
- Lina and Gourry KISSING!
- Xelloss Kissing Lina
- Gourry looking Hunky
GAAV!LOVE HIM!!!Gaav beating up Xelloss
- Halciform
Kopii Rezo-
Rezo- Martina fawning over Gourry/Xelloss/Zangulus
- Zelgadis in his undies
- Gourry in his undies or a towel
- Xelloss looking a bit nervous as Lina/Zel is ready to blast him (or already blasted)
- Lina beating on anyone.
- Xelloss pissed off with his eyes OPEN.
- the whole group casting spells as one against Kopii Rezo
- Group Panic!
- Group Crossdressing!
- Xelloss with one finger up (That.. .is a secret!)
- Lina and Gourry beating each other up
- Zel and Amelia casting Ra Tilt together
- Valgaav as a child
- Valgaav half transformed
- Zel holding Amelia when she is injured
- Amelia grabbing Zel around the waist when Xelloss shows upTenchi Muyo:
Tenshi ni Narumon:Ryoko!
Ryoko and Ayeka fighting over TenchiTenchi grown up(preferably all sweaty from sex!)
Tenchi's dad, young
Achika, Tenchi's Mom
Michael- Yuusuke's teacher (with her glasses on!)
Yotoden:Touga! (I am very picky on Touga cels)
- Utena (especially with her sword)Touga and Seionji as kids
Touga trying to woo Utena
- Nanami being devious
- Wakaba jumping on Utena's backDios (I dream yet again)
- Seionji in his skirt
- Miki looking for his shiny thing. O.o
- Chigusa (from the video game)
Yu Yu Hakusho (Poltergiest Report):Sakon- Sakon with beard
Ayame- Ryoma
Sakon kissing Ayame!!
- Ranmaru
- Kurama with the rose whip
Youku Kurama (fox form)![]()
Hiei (NOT in his green freaky form)- Hiei and Kurama together
- Hiei and Youku Kurama
Hiei with his sister (FORGOT HER NAME!)- Youku Kurama and his old partner, Kuronue
- Kuronue